By Faith Global Ministries is the vision God gave to Elder Barbara Green, of Riverdale, Georgia. A native of Panther Burn, Mississippi, she grew up in abject poverty and limited opportunity. As a result of her upbringing, she knew that no matter where she went, she could never forget where she came from. Her early work began with going to the South Mississippi Delta each year to hold a weekend long revival and community outreach. She would take books and tapes and bring in ministers and speakers to conduct workshops to help empower and encourage the people of her hometown. After a couple of years, she began going to the area in the late summer to provide school supplies to the children and to pray for their protection and success as they would return to school.
Increasingly, God provided more and more opportunities for her to reach out into this community and he provided a larger burden for her to help other young people growing up in conditions very similar to those that she knew or those she saw around her. As a result of the increased burden she had to help, God allowed her to begin a full-time service organization right in her own home community of Riverdale. Over the past 10 years, this work has expanded all across Clayton County.